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How AI is Transforming Pro AV

How AI is Transforming Pro AV

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From automated presenter tracking embedded into video cameras, to displays providing people counting and facial recognition, to audio solutions with dynamic beamforming technology, there’s a lot of AI making its way into pro AV.

For many years, the AV/IT industry has been using artificial intelligence (AI) to develop products and solutions. Control and automation companies designed drag-and-drop room configurators that eliminated programming, with sensors placed in rooms that, when triggered, turn on the lights, set the HVAC, and launch a presentation. Today, many are delivering intelligent touchless environments using AI and facial detection.

We can often look toward consumer electronics trends to predict technologies that will emerge in the enterprise and other commercial markets. Some kernels of the near-future could be gleaned from a virtual conference session held during CES 2021, between New York Times columnist and author Thomas Friedman and renowned artificial intelligence (AI) expert, president and CEO of Mobileye, Amnon Shashua. Together, they discussed fundamental questions related to the ethics and values governing today’s technology, the challenges facing a rapid pace of change and automation, and solutions for maximizing opportunities in a world that is fast, fused, and deep.

Shashua explained that AI is narrow; it is software that is optimized to solve a single problem. “What Mobileye is doing is all about pattern recognition; cameras and other sensors understanding the visual world and then using that interpretation to drive decisions to do self-driving.”

From automated and intelligent presenter tracking embedded into video cameras, to displays providing data on the number of people entering a building or facial detection providing data such as sentiment; audio solutions with automatic dynamic beamforming technology and handwriting recognition, there’s no shortage of innovative AV/IT solutions being brought to market every day.


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